Topcon HiPer +

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Topcon HiPer +

Topcon HiPer +. Used in decent cosmetic condition. Slow to establish a fix solution but working fine once it has it. Battery works several hours. Internal modem for GSM/2G only. Compatible with Magnet Field software and new controllers. Also included Leica Getac PS236 controller with windows mobile 6 and SBG GeoPad software. Working As is. Decent, replaceble battery. Might need different software for gps use without internal modem, untested. Works with Sokkia total stations as well. Included chargers and hard case. Item location Finland.

Topcon HiPer +|Topcon|GNSS Dual Frequency Receivers|No-Name

Used in decent cosmetic condition. Slow to establish a fix solution but working fine once it has it. Battery works several hours. Internal modem for GSM/2G only. Compatible with Magnet Field software and new controllers. Also included Leica Getac PS236 controller with windows mobile 6 and SBG GeoPad software. Working As is. Decent, replaceble battery. Might need different software for gps use without internal modem, untested. Works with Sokkia total stations as well. Included chargers and hard case. Item location Finland.

Brand: Topcon

Category: GNSS Dual Frequency Receivers

Product: No-Name

Price: $375


Brand: Topcon

Model: Topcon Hiper+

Year of manufacture: 2007

Condition: Used


Made In: USA

Usage: 0

Item Number:

Constellations: GLONASS

Modem: GSM

